The pitfalls of being married to a tech junkie

Posted by dmcnulty | Posted in , , | Posted on 2:36 PM

It’s not fair to act like Zach is always easy to live with because frankly, he is not. Living with a tech junkie creates two main obstacles. Here they are:

1. He spends money. Remember the cash he saved us from being a tech junkie? Well, now he wants to spend all of that saved money on new technologies. Zach is never content because there is always something new being developed. Recently he bought a universal remote. In fairness to him it was a good deal, but I was frustrated --- why do we need to buy a remote to replace remotes we already have? Is it really that difficult to use three remotes instead of one? We didn’t argue about it; we just had a good laugh about our differences. However, sometimes I don’t see the point in some of the technologies that excite him so much, and that can create some tension between us.

2. He gets distracted. As a communication major, I talk a lot. Zach is a great listener --- as long as his iPhone isn’t nearby to distract him. And guess what? His iPhone is NEVER away from him. I caught him sleeping with it under his cheek the other day (which was hilarious; I wish I had gotten a picture of it). Zach is usually so attentive to my rants and raves, but every once in a while, I will catch him checking his e-mail, posting a Tweet, or playing a game on his phone while I’m talking. At that point, I always ask, “What did I just say?” He has become very good at somehow remembering the last 5 words I say even if he is not actually listening. Oh well. He knows it bugs me so he is better about listening now. But when there is a new technology in our apartment, I know he will be distracted. Take for instance the bless-ed new universal remote. He sat in silence for hours reading the manual and programming the remote so it could do all sorts of things. I did not attempt to talk with him then because I knew he was “in the zone.” Being with someone who loves technology means you have to change some of your communication techniques in certain circumstances. Marriage is hard work, but it’s worth it. :)

For now,

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